Towing Equipment

Trailer Hitches, Receivers and Ball Mounts
Select these products by their gross trailer weight and tongue weight ratings. Select hitches and receivers for specific vehicles.
Hitch Balls
Select by gross trailer weight rating, mounting platform thickness and hole size, and coupler socket size platform must be at least 3/8 inch thick. The hole must not exceed the threaded shank diameter by more than 1/16 inch. Use a lock washer. Tighten per instructions. When tightened, the shank must protrude beyond the bottom of the nut. Gross trailer weight rating and ball diameter are marked on DRAW-TITE balls.
Trailer Couplers
The coupler socket should be smooth, clean, and lightly lubricated. Tighten or adjust per the coupler manufacturer's instructions.
Safety Chains
Connect safety chains properly EVERY TIME YOU TOW. Cross chains under coupler. Attach securely to the hitch or tow vehicle so they can't bounce loose. Leave only enough slack to permit full turning. Too much slack may prevent chains from maintaining control if other connections separate. Don't let chains drag on the road.
Trailer Lights, Turn Signals, Electric Brakes and Break Away Switch Connections
Make these safety-critical connections EVERY TIME YOU TOW, no matter how short the trip. Check operation, including electric brake manual control, before getting on the road.
Sway Controls
Sway controls can lessen the effects of sudden maneuvers, wind gusts, and buffeting caused by other vehicles. We recommend them for trailers with large surface areas, such as travel trailers. Adjustable friction models can help control trailers with low tongue weight percentages.
Other Useful Equipment
AIR SPRINGS, AIR SHOCKS, or HELPER SPRINGS are useful for some hitch applications. A TRANSMISSION COOLER may be necessary for heavy towing. Many states require TOWING MIRRORS on both sides.
Tire Inflation
Check often. Follow tow vehicle and trailer manufacturers' recommendations. Improper tire inflation can cause trailer sway.
Check Your Equipment / Replace Worn Parts
Check the ball, coupler, chains, retaining pins and clips, and all other connections EVERY TIME YOU TOW. Re-check at fuel and rest stops.